Artist CV

1972 Born in Leicestershire, United Kingdom
2003 Art and Design Foundation –Distinction
2006 BA Fashion Design Nottingham Trent University -1st Class Hons
2006- Present Artist / Lecturer
2016 MA Fashion Artefacts London College of Fashion – Distinction
Exhibitions and Events
2006 Class of 2006, Moving image and conceptual accessories -The National Centre for Design and Craft Sleaford,
2006 Live telematic garment performance, DAP lab collaboration- NTU Nottingham
2006 Conceptual accessories installation, 100% Design- Earls Court London
2007 Translations of Three, conceptual bag Installation in conjunction with Frieze Arts fair, ICON Design Trail- B Store, Savile Row London.
2007 Conceptual product showcase- V&A Museum London
2008 Waste Not Want Not, exhibition, commissioned artwork– NCCD Sleaford
2008 Window installation TopShop Oxford street Flagship store – London
2008 Clearly a Bag, 250 piece bag installation, official part of the London Design Festival- Concept Store London
2009 Clearly a Bag, solo exhibition - The City Gallery – Leicester
2009 Sculpture in the Sanctuary, Clearly a Bag installation-Nottinghamshire sculpture trail
2009 Samsung House of the Future, product showcase- Grand Designs NEC Birmingham
2009 Origin Crafts Council show, Exhibitor -Somerset House London
2010 Nike 78, Fashion is a Competitive Sport, artwork commission -endorsed by Nike
2010 Product showcase, represented by Ilsa Parry Design Studio -Maison et Objet Paris
2011 Formula Fashion, fashion artwork exhibited at The British Grand Prix, commissioned by Silverstone -Touring exhibition-ACE
2011 Consultancy on Suits and Saris exhibition – youth panel leader New Walk Museum Leicester
2012 Dress Block installation, museum commission, leicester leg of Block Party, Crafts Council Exhibition -New Walk Museum leicester
2012 SOLD, footwear artwork for Global Footprint, commissioned -Boot and Shoe Museum Northampton
2013 The Art of the Carrying Companion, installation of Clearly a Bag and other works- Craft Gallery Wolverhampton
2014 Dress Block, Crafting Anatomies Exhibition, The Bonington Gallery – Nottingham
2017 The Language of Feet, conceptual footwear installation, FashionClash Festival –Maastricht Netherlands
2017 The Death of Love and Moving Forward, exhibited at Shoe Magic, Hungarian National Museum – Budapest
2017 The Death of Love and Love Triangle, exhibited at Shoetopia, - Curator The Virtual Shoe Museum -Detroit CSS
2017 The Opposite of Addiction, performance art commission in colab with Lee Griffiths choreography, LCF Material Movement Gala- Sadler's Wells Theatre
2017 Full Circle Shoes exhibited as part of 'Art Lending Library' by Walker and Bromwich - The Gallery DMU leicester
2018 Lessons in Love, installation and performance colab with choreographer Antonio de La Fe, London Craft Week- YKK London Showroom
2018 Lines of Communication conceptual hat commision, Hats off to Hats Exhibition, Curator The Virtual Shoe Museum- Basel Museum Switzerland
2018 Crafting Anatomies book, co written chapter interviewed by fashion Critic Johannes Reponen-Bloomsbury publishers
2018 Motive/Motif, commissioned artist- commemorating 100 years Suffragette movement- touring venues including Buckingham Palace London
2019 The language of Feet, installation and performance MA Fashion Artefacts, London Design Festival exhibition-The Vinyl Factory London
2019 Walking in Circles, 10 years of Fashion Artefacts Why/What/Who exhibited with Design Ve-Venice Biennial, Fringe Festival
2019 Walking in Circles, Why/What/Who - 10 years of Fashion Artefacts -Fashion and Art Festival -BIFT Fashion, Science, Beijing
2019 Walking in Circles, , Why/What/ Who touring exhibition, curator Dai Rees- Decorative Arts Museum Argentina
2019 Collaboration with artist Ben Judd, fashion performance for Fig Futures commissioned by Outset Art London
2019 Skin Sale, installation -De Bijenkof department store Maastricht - FashionClash Festival
2019 Full Circle Shoes and video- Innovative Costume in the 21st Century, exhibition-The state Museum Russia
2019 Conceptual shoe installation, represented by BAHC Advisory, China Craft Week
2020 Looking for Love’ and Moving Forward shoe artworks at The History of the Shoe-The Decorative Arts Museum Paris
2020 Shoes Have Names project director – Jo Cope x Shelter Charity collaboration, 10 artists/10 homeless stories London Craft Week
2021-2 Full Circle and Wearing the World digital artwork, Boots a Transitional Object exhibition–- The Farm Gallery Israel
2021 Walking on Water, live performance for The Venice Design Biennale, Roof top T Fondaco, Venice
2021 Garment installation collaboration for Ben Judd exhibition ‘ The Absolute’ At The Gallery, Leicester
2021 The Feminist Rose installation and live performance for London Craft Week, The Garden Museum London
2021-2 Wood Couture, International Klompen museum, Netherlands
2021 Wherever I Lay My Hat- Jo Cope X Shelter Charity collaboration, London Craft Week
2022 Fitting In - Group exhibition featuring Jo Cope x Shelter, Z33 The House of Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture, Belgium
2022-23 Only Shoes Can Save Us Now, Jo Cope Solo Show, Leicester Gallery DMU
2023 Motive/Motif - 100 years of the suffragette movement, Touring Group exhibition, Ruthin Craft Centre, Wales
2023 Shoe Fantasies, Group Exhibition, Pecs Gallery, Hungary
2023-24 The Magic of Cuir Bouilli ‘Cooked leather remains a mystery’ Group Exhibition Schoenenkwartier Shoe Museum, Waalwijk NL
2023-24 The Wisdom Is in Your Feet - Solo Exhibition - Main Gallery, The Hub Sleaford
2024 Accessories of Activism - Exhibition at YKK Showroom London, Curated by Jo Cope X Shelter
2024-25 The Path Is a Metaphor - Solo Exhibition, Contemporary art gallery at The Shoe Museum, Portugal

2019 - Performance Hub lecture - Jo Cope and Michele Danjoux - hosted by Donatella Barbieri and Dr Jessica Bugg- Dean of School of Media & Communications at UAL
Annually - Artist Talk - Jo Cope for Fashion Artefact MA at The London Collage of Fashion - Hosted by Naomi Filmer
Annually - Artist Talk - Jo Cope for BA / MA Fashion Related Courses at De Montfort University Leicester
Annually - Artist Talk - Jo Cope for MA Fashion and Textile innovation Nottingham Trent University - Host Sean Prince
2020 - Global Classrooms - Special guest - The Human Side of Fashion - Jo Cope - Hosted by BNU-SVAD university Lahore, Pakistan
2020 -Special Guests programme - DMU - Jo Cope In Coversation series - Phgital Fashion Mathilde Rudger - Hosted by Davina Hawthorne MA Fashion and Textiles programme leader
2020 - The Trampery - Fashion Meets Social Cause - Jo Cope - invited by Sally Denton -Hosted by Patrick Scally
2020 - The Lates - The Power of Ethical Design - Jo Cope - Ravensbourne University - Hosted by Liz Ciokajlo
2021- Gradate Fashion Week Foundation - Guest Lecture- Open to universities nationwide.
2021- London Craft Week -panel Discussion with London College of Fashion
2021-Bezalel Academy - Guest Speaker- Invited by head of Jewelry and Fashion- Shelly Satat
2021- Leicester Design Season - Guest Speaker at LCB Depot - Invited by Design Nation
2022-Shoe Synopsis-Nottingham Trent University- Shoes as Vessels for Social Change -Talk- invited by Dr Naomi Braithwaite
2022- LCW Panel Discussion - Jo Cope, Amy de la Haye, Shane Connolly, Emma House at The Garden Museum
2022- Fashion for Social Change-RMT University Australia - Invited by Alexander Sherlock
2022- Manchester Research conference- Guest Speaker, invited by Fiona Hackney
2023- Instituto Marangoni - Guest Talk - Neocraft Series
2023,2024 - Practice Talk - Fashion Artefacts MA
2024 - Talk and workshop - Designing From Your Emotions at The Shoe Museum, Portugal.
Awards and Memberships
IFTTI Fashion Film award -winner 2006
Design and Performance Lab Member NTU 2003-2007
Graduate Fashion Week Foundation Judge for YKK and Social Change Award 2018/21/22
Invited member of the Footwear Research Network
Neurodiversity Ambassador for Design Nation UK
Creative mentor SEED program at Ravensbourne University
De Montfort University Research and Teaching award 2022 for student enrichment activities. - Social practice projects
Global Footwear Award Winner - Special Projects Social Impact -Shoes Have Names project in collaboration with Shelter Charity