Shoes Have Names
Jo Cope X Boutique By Shelter
‘A truly unique collaboration at Coal Drops Yard for London Craft Week 2020’
Jo Cope invites 10 outstanding international artists/designers from a diverse range of footwear related practices to create shoes which embody the stories of 10 individuals who have faced homelessness and had been helped by Shelter
Each pair of shoes/shoe artwork will be in created in red to represent the ‘call to action’ of current homeless issues.
The final exhibition will mark the positive steps forwards each individual has made with Shelters help.
The project ethos is to ‘harness fashion’s power as a positive a social tool’; bringing together communities who wouldn’t ordinarily have met to have creative dialog and to learn something from each other.
The aim of the final exhibition’s is to use creative methods to engage new audiences with Boutique by Shelter’s flagship shop and the important work of the Shelter Charity.
Exhibition Dates OCT 2nd-8th 2020
Boutique by Shelter, Coals Drop Yard, Kings Cross, London N1C 4DQ
Free Entry - with social distancing guidelines in place.
Exhibitors: Caroline Groves Dr Ellen Sampson Daniel Charkow Elisabeth Thorsen Kobi Levi Kristina Walsh Liz Ciokajlo Jackie Leggett Jana Zornik Tabitha Ringwood
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